Hola amigos buenas tardes, tengo el siguiente problema: Enganche a mi central una linea PSTN y cuando llaman a dicho numero no quiero que entre al ivr, sino que pase la llamada directamente a un sip, hice las configuraciones necesarias en rutas entrantes como también en zap chantre DIDs. Resulta que cuando llamo a este numero deberia de pasar directamente a dicho sip pero no es asi me dice EL NUMERO QUE MARCO SE ENCUENTRA FUERA DE SERVICIO, cambie a otro sip y me dice lo mismo probé los sip de manera interna y funcionan muy bien: adjunto el log que no lo entiendo bien : MI CANAL ES EL 20 Y MI DID ES 72
Jan 5 16:44:58] VERBOSE[28814] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-from-dahdi-20:2] Set("DAHDI/20-1", "__FROM_DID=72") in new stack
[Jan 5 16:44:58] VERBOSE[28814] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-from-dahdi-20:3] Goto("DAHDI/20-1", "from-trunk,72,1") in new stack
[Jan 5 16:44:58] VERBOSE[28814] pbx.c: -- Goto (from-trunk,72,1)
[Jan 5 16:44:58] VERBOSE[28814] app_macro.c: == Channel 'DAHDI/20-1' jumping out of macro 'from-dahdi-20'
[Jan 5 16:44:58] VERBOSE[28814] pbx.c: -- Executing [72@from-trunk:1] Set("DAHDI/20-1", "__FROM_DID=72") in new stack
[Jan 5 16:44:58] VERBOSE[28814] pbx.c: -- Executing [72@from-trunk:2] Gosub("DAHDI/20-1", "app-blacklist-check,s,1") in new stack
[Jan 5 16:44:58] VERBOSE[28814] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@app-blacklist-check:1] GotoIf("DAHDI/20-1", "0?check-blocked") in new stack
[Jan 5 16:44:58] VERBOSE[28814] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@app-blacklist-check:2] GotoIf("DAHDI/20-1", "0?check-blocked") in new stack
[Jan 5 16:44:58] VERBOSE[28814] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@app-blacklist-check:3] GotoIf("DAHDI/20-1", "1?check-blocked:check") in new stack
[Jan 5 16:44:58] VERBOSE[28814] pbx.c: -- Goto (app-blacklist-check,s,4)
[Jan 5 16:44:58] VERBOSE[28814] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@app-blacklist-check:4] GotoIf("DAHDI/20-1", "1?blacklisted") in new stack
[Jan 5 16:44:58] VERBOSE[28814] pbx.c: -- Goto (app-blacklist-check,s,10)
[Jan 5 16:44:58] VERBOSE[28814] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@app-blacklist-check:10] Answer("DAHDI/20-1", "") in new stack
[Jan 5 16:44:58] VERBOSE[28814] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@app-blacklist-check:11] Wait("DAHDI/20-1", "1") in new stack
[Jan 5 16:44:59] VERBOSE[28814] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@app-blacklist-check:12] Zapateller("DAHDI/20-1", "") in new stack
Por favor espero alguna sugerencia o experiencia que les haya pasado
Jan 5 16:44:58] VERBOSE[28814] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-from-dahdi-20:2] Set("DAHDI/20-1", "__FROM_DID=72") in new stack
[Jan 5 16:44:58] VERBOSE[28814] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-from-dahdi-20:3] Goto("DAHDI/20-1", "from-trunk,72,1") in new stack
[Jan 5 16:44:58] VERBOSE[28814] pbx.c: -- Goto (from-trunk,72,1)
[Jan 5 16:44:58] VERBOSE[28814] app_macro.c: == Channel 'DAHDI/20-1' jumping out of macro 'from-dahdi-20'
[Jan 5 16:44:58] VERBOSE[28814] pbx.c: -- Executing [72@from-trunk:1] Set("DAHDI/20-1", "__FROM_DID=72") in new stack
[Jan 5 16:44:58] VERBOSE[28814] pbx.c: -- Executing [72@from-trunk:2] Gosub("DAHDI/20-1", "app-blacklist-check,s,1") in new stack
[Jan 5 16:44:58] VERBOSE[28814] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@app-blacklist-check:1] GotoIf("DAHDI/20-1", "0?check-blocked") in new stack
[Jan 5 16:44:58] VERBOSE[28814] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@app-blacklist-check:2] GotoIf("DAHDI/20-1", "0?check-blocked") in new stack
[Jan 5 16:44:58] VERBOSE[28814] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@app-blacklist-check:3] GotoIf("DAHDI/20-1", "1?check-blocked:check") in new stack
[Jan 5 16:44:58] VERBOSE[28814] pbx.c: -- Goto (app-blacklist-check,s,4)
[Jan 5 16:44:58] VERBOSE[28814] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@app-blacklist-check:4] GotoIf("DAHDI/20-1", "1?blacklisted") in new stack
[Jan 5 16:44:58] VERBOSE[28814] pbx.c: -- Goto (app-blacklist-check,s,10)
[Jan 5 16:44:58] VERBOSE[28814] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@app-blacklist-check:10] Answer("DAHDI/20-1", "") in new stack
[Jan 5 16:44:58] VERBOSE[28814] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@app-blacklist-check:11] Wait("DAHDI/20-1", "1") in new stack
[Jan 5 16:44:59] VERBOSE[28814] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@app-blacklist-check:12] Zapateller("DAHDI/20-1", "") in new stack
Por favor espero alguna sugerencia o experiencia que les haya pasado